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Weight Loss Tips for Summer
Weight Loss Tips for Summer

Summer is upon us! And while the season of sun is full of fun, it can also be a challenging time for those struggling with their weight. Routines become more relaxed and the motivation to exercise and eat right can fall by the wayside. Here are a few helpful tips for keeping the temptation of lazy days and poor diet choices at bay!

Weight Loss Tips for Summer:

Hydrate - it is easy to become dehydrated with the heat of summer. Be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Staying hydrated helps to boost metabolism and remove toxins. Avoid sugary, carbonated, and caffeinated beverages when possible.

Get Enough Sleep - adequate sleep is a crucial, and sometimes overlooked, piece to weight loss and overall health.

Practice Portion Control - eating smaller meals, more often helps to prevent overeating. Choosing lighter food choices and planning meals ahead of time can go a long way in setting you up for success.

Exercise Regularly - summer can be a great opportunity to take physical activity outdoors. Fresh air and sunshine can breathe life into any exercise routine.

Get Enough Protein - appetites can slow during the summer, but the body’s natural metabolism often does also. Make sure to consume enough protein even if you are eating less. Protein helps to boost energy levels, improve mood, and allow the body to feel full longer.

Avoid or Limit Alcohol - not only is alcohol full of empty calories, but it is also dehydrating. Limiting alcohol intake can make a big difference in reaching and maintaining weight loss goals.

Eat Healthy Snacks - summer can be a great time to discover refreshing, nutrient-rich snacks. Turning a snack into a frozen treat can be a fun way to cool down and fill up.

Explore Weight Loss Options - for many people, a healthy diet and regular exercise are not enough. Summer can be the perfect time to begin weight loss injections or undergo bariatric surgery.

Losing weight can help you to feel more comfortable in your summer skin and provide you with numerous health benefits. Extra weight puts a strain on the cardiovascular system, contributing to feelings of fatigue and shortness of breath. Adopting and maintaining good habits sets the stage for a healthier and happier you this summer!

Dr. Ahmad at Long Island Laparoscopic can help you or your loved one lose weight and gain so much more! Reach out for a consultation today!

Dr. Arif Ahmad specializes in laparoscopic robotic surgery and has performed over 2,000 laparoscopic robotic surgeries. He is renowned in the Long Island area for his impeccable track record of safety and success.