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Stay updated on the latest advancements and trends in nutrition, weight loss, and laparoscopic surgery. Dr. Ahmad shares his expertise and advice, giving you the tools to make better healthcare decisions.

Make Exercising Fun!
Make Exercising Fun!

Long Island Laparoscopic Surgery, PLLC




Do you dread exercising? Have you tried a workout program and just couldn’t stick with it? For some, just the word exercise is discouraging. Making certain lifestyle changes, such as exercising and maintaining a healthy diet, are key factors in your success after a bariatric procedure. Remember, a weight loss procedure provides you with a tool and it is what you do with that tool that will make all the difference. If you dread going to the gym, there are many other ways to get your daily exercise in. The more things you try, the more likely you will find what you enjoy most and something you will stick with. The following are few ideas on how to burn some calories and have a little fun while doing so.





  • Take a break and go for a couple of laps in your pool or the local community pool. Better yet, join a water aerobics class at the local gym or YMCA!

  • Don’t just watch your kids play outside, join them! Teach them how to play hop scotch, use a hula hoop, or jump rope. Maybe join them in a game of frisbee. Even better, have them show you a new game.

  • Take a walk with a friend or two and catch up with one another. Man’s best friend might like to tag along for this one!

  • Join an aerobics class, Zumba and Kickboxing are sure to increase your heart rate!

    Join a tai chi or karate class in your area.

  • Burn some calories cleaning up your yard or gardening.

  • Enjoy the outdoors! Go for a hiking trip or rock climbing on a beautiful day.

  • Not in the mood for an intense workout, attend a local yoga or hot yoga class.

  • Grab a few friends and have a basketball, softball, soccer, or tennis game at the local high school.

  • Enjoy watching “Dancing with the Stars” or just dancing altogether? Have your significant other join you for some ballroom dancing lessons.

  • Go rollerblading or roller-skating at a local park.

  • Take a bike ride around your neighborhood or to the local market.

  • Join a beach volleyball team or a summer softball league.






Go to a local museum, art exhibit, zoo, aquarium or botanical garden. The beautiful scenery is likely to help you forget the amount of walking you will have to do.





Whichever you choose, get off the couch and get moving!!